JavaScript Classes

Bhagya Wijenayake
2 min readJan 25, 2024


JavaScript classes might seem daunting but fear not! Let’s break down the concept using an analogy — think of a class as a cookie cutter. In this discussion, we’ll use a class called Cookie to illustrate the key concepts.

The Cookie Cutter (Class) Creation:

class Cookie {
constructor(color) {
this.color = color;
  • A class, like a cookie cutter, helps create instances of objects. Always capitalize the class name.
  • The constructor is like the mold; it shapes new instances of the class. It takes parameters, in this case, a color, and assigns it to the instance.

Baking Cookies (Creating Instances):

let cookieOne = new Cookie('green');
let cookieTwo = new Cookie('blue');
  • Using new keyword creates specific instances (cookies) based on the class (cookie cutter).
  • Each instance can have its unique properties.

Decorating Cookies (Getters and Setters):

class Cookie {
constructor(color) {
this.color = color;

getColor() {
return this.color;

setColor(color) {
this.color = color;
  • getColor and setColor are getters and setters, respectively.
  • They allow us to retrieve and modify the color property of a cookie.

Playing with Cookies (Using Instances):

let cookieOne = new Cookie('green');
let cookieTwo = new Cookie('blue');

console.log(cookieOne.getColor()); // Outputs: 'green'
console.log(cookieTwo.getColor()); // Outputs: 'blue'

console.log(cookieOne.getColor()); // Outputs: 'yellow'

Using methods like getColor and setColor allows interaction with instances.

Applying the Concept — Linked List Class:

class LinkedList {
constructor(value) {
// Constructor logic here...

push(value) {
// Push logic here...

unshift(value) {
// Unshift logic here...

insert(index, value) {
// Insert logic here...

remove(index) {
// Remove logic here...

pop() {
// Pop logic here...

shift() {
// Shift logic here...

let myLinkedList = new LinkedList(23);
myLinkedList.insert(1, 11);

Using the analogy, a linked list is like a customized set of cookies with specific methods (like push, pop, etc.).

Understanding classes is like having a powerful set of cookie cutters; you can create and customize instances tailored to your needs.

Happy Coding

Bhagya Wijenayake



Bhagya Wijenayake
Bhagya Wijenayake

Written by Bhagya Wijenayake

Trainee Software Engineer | React, Angular, Node.js, Next.js | Coding Enthusiast 💻 | Dog Lover 🐾 | Sharing Moments & Stories 📸📖

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